INVESTIGATION: A short story


The Confession
By Kyle Wittmann


“The values of those that know no value, spout their bile from face to face” With a swerving stance, this drunken Priests voice bellowed across the street. “Who here echoes the phrases that please the ear, and soothes the soul? All of you!” Falling to the floor he grasps the leg of the nearest engrossed viewer, and struggles himself to height.

“We seek solace from the pain of life, in the place of authentic realism. So far detached from the shades of truth, we would be crippled by its weight.” Reaching a hidden flask from his coat, he slurps towards his next sentence. “Your eyes burn with habitual compartmentalism, pocketing me to your chosen rationalisations, a comfy defence for your warm bed of lies.”

The gathered audience displayed a mixture of giggles and stern faces wavering through its judgemental surface. Teetering on the edge of annoyance or indifferent abandonment. “You! And you! Sleepwalking awake, half knowing whilst half ignorant, that’s the worst of it! Some choose ignorance, some even purposefully spread it, and scorn those that attempt the near impossible, a moralistic and honourable life.”

“What dirty responses you hear when one mentions honour in our ‘enlightened era’ one must be promoting an image, or solidifying an inward goal for egotistical purposes if honour is professed. How many truly honourable people do you know? For me it’s a number that lacks much quantity.”

A slip and a fall cut short his tirade, as he phased into unconsciousness. The crowed laughed and dispersed with views of pity and scorn. All parted indifferently except a fellow priest, who stood in the church courtyard with avid attention throughout the display.

Shaking him softly the bemused Priest tested his drunken state. Noticing some piece of paper the unconscious man was clutching to, the Priest read aloud the words in some attempt to dissipate the intrusion on the drunkard’s privacy, as if he were reading it to him.

“June 10th. Fools gold. We uphold our personal image for this ‘big brother’ or ‘the man in the window’. Creating the optimum projection so as to prevail amongst the eyes of others. But what is the point of this fools gold? This painful process we undergo to uphold the perfect view, the sacrifice, the lies, the purposeful ignorance so as to stay on course for happiness.

This idea that one day after all this word play, opportunity grabbing and soul crushing anxiety that you will finally wake up and say ‘I’ve done it, I’m free to enjoy what I’ve created!’

You will find a shell in the place of this pre thought out ideal of the ‘perfect life’. Ultimate success, failure and the ascending struggle are extremes that affect the psyche in similar ways, if you cant be happy with gradual success, then the summit will just bore you and you’ll jump. It’s a fallacy.

So if your own toiling self-preservation is not ultimately for this fallacy, then what is it for? Is it for the random ‘big brother’, the net of society? Do we abandon truth for other people? So we lie or mould, so others can lie and mould to create this imperfect reality so we all feel comfortable doing our part in this play of bullshit?

Why do we parade ourselves and torture ourselves for this mass of ignorance. Many of us have been guilty of greasing the cogs of social bullshit against someone who you perceive to be your enemy. Thus you enter the falsity game, and the better the game playing the more included into the play. Why bother with this court of lying, fighting for a fickle kingdom full of fools gold. I’d rather be at peace with the truth then be the king of lies.

And so we come to my own emotion, my anger. But this is my ultimate downfall. This reaction of mine will always hold me back unless I eradicate it. My fear turns to anger and I play the fools game when rattled and all is for nothing. I hold dear to my reflection in other people’s eyes, it comforts me to think I’m well thought of, it gives me a sense of control. It is this fake control that enslaves me, drags me into turmoil to fight the dogfight.

Infested with differing fears and emotions I see that the reasons for these emotional states need investigation, as emotions are signals that something is wrong. It’s not necessarily the perceived outward influence that causes this, but in fact yourself. You could almost picture the physical cause of your negative emotions as a screaming version of yourself.

That pain you feel from their words are not those people striking you, you are striking yourself from fear. Your emotion can on occasion just simply point out that you are struggling with the world you’ve created, that the fabrication has lost its buoyancy its cosy cover of lies. This is the time to search your possible fallacy for lies by others and lies by yourself. As I’ve stated we are masters of lies, we love them to shield us from the cold hard truth that our control on life has its limits.

This all sounds like some religious doctrine, but it couldn’t be further from it. As god is just a production of the fear of ignorance, or the search to deflect it with pleasing creations, it is the reflection of never saying “I don’t know why”. To cover the fear of the unknown we’d sooner believe in the unbelievable then face the void of the unknown.

We have grown fat on a diet of lies, to the point that truth has become the dirty knife that threatens our bloated souls. Every time I lambast idiots, recoil from an oppressor, or join the titter of fools to win a game that has no prize but chains, I bolster the ignorance of everyone around me; I play into this endless spiral to the extinction of possible peace and stupefy myself.

I’m angry about this, I’m angry about myself and I’m angry about attacks on my control. Anger is the one thing that I need to let go of, I cant hate my way to change, it rips away everything, it always has. The dirty unfashionable words like ethics, honour, truth and help can be attributed to those who cause you the most pain, in fact that is where its most needed.”

INVESTIGATION: Throw of the Dice.


It is not simply enough to realise the harmful areas of you life for them to be eradicated. I’ve known for years my inability to continually pursue any given ‘remedy’ type regime. What I’ve come to realise is that to have a continued focus you have to have an aim, a priority to do this all for. Of course the side effects of improving your wellbeing will not only positively effect your own happiness but of those close to you. When you’re not muddled in your own fears, failures, and funks you can help those around you to achieve happiness, or they just stop worrying about you. This alone should be a motivator.

Alas for me it isn’t, I’m sad to say. Of course it drives me to find an answer for what will, but it alone is not the solidifying consistency cure. So we come to my next idea, your personal mission. I’ve been told in films you feed your dreams to keep them alive, as well as your nightmares, I think this is true. If I were the type to spring out of bed in the morning with a positive disposition, singing to the birds outside for no other reason then its another day, well then I wouldn’t be doing this blog. Instead I think I must localise a realistic plan, and work at it everyday, bit by bit, like a sculptor creating a masterpiece. With planning patients, diligence and skill I should make the dream something I can touch.

I read somewhere once that depression is obsessing about the past and anxiety is worrying about the future, my desire is to find out what dream I want to make real and be excited about the future. This of course is the meaning of life, finding what meaning means most to you and make it happen, and the ‘making it happen is the throwing of the dice.

INVESTIGATION: Diary of a Twat


So I failed since my first attempt over two months ago to ‘reform my life’ and here I sit reflecting over my life again and again, wasting my time in a repeating cycle that makes photosynthesis look like a fucking dog pissing on a baby.

I need change, the kind of change that will bitch slap me from the idiotic habitual thought processes that rule my fucking life. I know what needs to be done; yet I’ve managed to torture myself to the degree that I feel that this course of lazy reclusive action is necessary, now that is talent. I’m a writer that doesn’t write, I’m a Buddhist that doesn’t meditate, I’m a husband that doesn’t fuck, I’m a musician that doesn’t play, I’m a poet that isn’t poetical, I’m a protester that doesn’t protest and I’m a reader that doesn’t read… I look at funny videos and I pine about my lost abilities.

See look at that fucking idiotic stream of consciousness anal vapour, splurting, and contradicting all over the nearest git who’s prepared to put themselves through that drivel.  So the obvious question is, what is to be done about it all? Am I forever to scream at the skies for my woes? Continually making the choices that creates the worst scenarios for me to deal with?

I pick the route that creates the best reflection on myself, for others to see so I can masturbate over the image of my life in their eyes. They are unimportant; they are further tools of my construction, my skyscraper of bullshit. Look there I am, so beautiful and intelligent. Bask in the glory of my spender, so you may become better for it! If you don’t see it then you must be evil, stupid or both, and I shall have nothing more to do with you! Or I shall do whatever I can to win you over or destroy you!

What a fucking stupendously impressive waste of everyone’s time. I think back a lot to what my father said once when he came too after an important operation. He identified the people around himself one by one, as some kind of memory exercise; as the doctors warned him that the level of anaesthetic used might cause short-term memory lose. When he reached me he said, “Kyle can be whomever he chooses to be.” Now to this day, I’m unsure if this was a compliment or a pointer to my developing trait of ‘acting’ like other people all the time, as I failed to ‘create’ a persona of my own. Either way it stuck with me.

So I come to the decision to either create a ‘persona’ of my own to get through these difficult times I’m going through, this pivotal stage of the rest of my life, Or to just decide to fuck this persona bollocks in the asshole. Progression through anger or calm, both create a certain amount of useful focus, but one is more damaging, and the other is long lasting. So for this entry to ‘diary of a twat’ I must point out that I look to transform my fortunes. How? Well let’s wait and see. 

EDUCATION: The Four Horsemen [2013]

Now halt the determined thought that this may just be a large conspiracy theorists wet dream, it does have some fantastic interviews and historical comparisons that make the mind boggle. So as a kind of homework, why don’t you research the points you feel may not be true, or the ones you feel are true, but you wish to double check so you can incorporate into your ideals. Test the info, what you read and watch is not some fabric of the universe uncovered, it was created by someone so test it.

EXERCISE: My ten minute morning test.

Right, so, here we go. Exercise! Woooo. With the enthusiasm over with I will attempt to do this over the next 7 mornings starting tomorrow. This lovely fella with a beard and cap has designed a quick cheeky 7 day 10min a day exercise regime, my kind of regime. Yet as I’m already meditating for 10mins in the morning that means I will have to go to sleep 20mins earlier then I should do… yeah that will happen.

INVESTIGATION: Diary on meditation progress


Today I had the best moment of meditation I’ve ever had unguided, just focusing on my breathing for 20mins after the first 10mins I felt entirely at ease. My mind was completely relaxed and afterwards my abilities to deal with external stimuli was greatly improved.

I had planed to meditate in the morning but all I want to do at that time is drink a piping hot cup of coffee and smoke myself awake. I do feel that meditating in the morning will really set me up for the day, and make me approach the day as I mean to go on. Yet habits die hard and I find it hard to attack my routine when I just scramble out of the covers, this will take some doing.

I also did feel a little sleepy after the meditation, rather then the revitalised, energised type feeling that so many meditation experts wibble on about. I could be doing something wrong, or my mind is just not used to being so relaxed so its readying itself for sleep, maybe this will change with practice. Tomorrow morning I shall try guided meditation to get me into the habit, then slowly wean myself of it.